Overige Modellen Desktop PC'S

Overige Modellen Desktop PC'S

Overige Modellen Desktop PC'S

Overige Modellen Desktop PC'S

Select repair type(s)

Do you have a virus or is your software freezing? We can provide you with a software update and/or recovery for your device. Caution: A back-up of your data or personal files are not included. Software Update and/or Recovery € 59,00
Research costs are charged when the complaint your device has is not clear and needs to be thoroughly investigated. After the research is completed you will receive a quote from us. When you agree with our quote the research costs will be canceled. If you do not agree with the repair costs, you only have to pay the research costs. Research Costs € 39,99

Overige Modellen Desktop PC'S

Overige Modellen Desktop PC'S

12 month warranty

Affordable quality

Quick repairs


REGISTER REPAIR Choose repair type

Direct repair

Overige Modellen Desktop PC'S

* obligatory fields

Address data


No, I come to Repaircenter: De Witbogt 9, Eindhoven

Yes. Extra cost: € 9,95

Yes, to the address above

No, I collect it at Repaircenter in Eindhoven.

Other address

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